PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - PRAYER SHAWLS & LAP ROBES: Handmade prayer shawls and lap robes are available at no charge from Mary's Ministry for those in need of support or comfort. Please contact the rectory or stop at Bergan Hall on Saturday afternoons if you wish to have one for yourself or someone else. Additional volunteers are always welcome to help make these gifts. If you do not already know how to knit or crochet, teachers are available to assist you and all supplies are furnished. Anyone wishing to participate in this endeavor may stop at Bergan Hall on Saturdays between 12:00 & 3:00 PM or leave your contact information at the rectory.
PRISON MINISTRY - Prison ministry has been a rewarding experience for two members of our parish who are affiliated with the Prison Christian Growth Group, a Catholic non-profit, state-wide organization dedicated to bringing the love of Christ to those incarcerated within the start prison system.
It involves faith-sharing in the chapel with male inmates within SCI Dallas. Most of our discussions focus on the lectionary readings for the previous Sunday, or other topics of interest to the group. Friendship and trust have developed, allowing the inmates to share their faith journey from their hearts.
Anyone interested in learning more about participating in this ministry may call the parish office at 570-288-6446 to be put in contact with Mary Fiske or Cindy Liskov.
YOUTH MINISTRY - St. Ignatius Loyola Youth & Family Ministry is open to all youth especially teens and young adults. It offers individuals and families opportunities to grow in faith through a variety of spiritual, social and service activities. Adult leadership and family involvement are needed to sustain this ministry.
More information on this rewarding and important ministry will be coming soon. If you have any questions, please contact our Youth Minister, Shannon Kowalski , @ sil.ym.nepa@gmail.com.