Coordinator: Mary Hosey
Mary’s Ministry Mission Statement
We, the baptized women of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish, come and form a community, Mary’s Ministry, to seek the living Christ in shared spiritual and corporal works of mercy. A source for these efforts is our personal and communal prayer and devotion to the Mother of God, Mary, our model and mentor. We remain faithful to the spiritual growth and development of our community through shared acts of prayer, study and service. Working together, we strive to serve those in need from conception into eternal life, with dignity, mercy and justice and encourage practices of generosity, hospitality, peace, and stewardship for our parish and its ministries.
Mary’s Ministry Participant Statement
Any adult parishioner taking part in carrying out the mission of Mary’s Ministry is considered a participant/member. Recognizing the changing needs and responsibilities of women today and the vocation of women in Church, all participants are welcome to share their gifts with others. They are encouraged to financially support this ministry by contributing an annual donation and by participating in events and funding activities that support the ministry and those they serve. Spiritual, charitable and social activities, especially for women of all ages, are planned monthly throughout the year and are open to all parishioners.
Mary’s Ministry Activities by Category
Worship (Prayer)
Provide financial support for altar needs for the parish and provide baptismal bibs/scarves from the parish for baptisms
Rosary Devotions and Marian prayers – at daily masses, meetings, bulletin inserts, and October Rosary events
May Crowning Devotion at Sunday Liturgy with First Communion Families
Mass of Remembrance & donations to St. Vincent de Paul Fund for deceased participants
Participation in area Women’s Interfaith Prayer Services/Socials
Co-sponsor Catholic Choral Society programs in parish as requested
Word (Study)
Sponsor or co-sponsor religious programs/speakers for parish as requested
Day of Reflection /retreat for women at church or retreat sites as suggested
Trips/Visits to Religious Sites/Shows (ex. Emmitsburg, Phila, Sight & Sound Theatre, etc.)
Participate in adult faith formation programs offered by the parish
Outreach to women & children – provide support to the Catherine McAuley House, Ruth’s Place St. Joseph’s Center, organizations assisting victims of abuse; and promote parish support of the Wyoming Valley Pro-Life Center Baby Bottle Drive and Mother’s Day Carnation Sale.
Clothing & Material Aid - Winter Outerwear & School-wear Collection (with Confirmation class), Spring Summer Clothing Collection, donations for WVW Nurses Pantry, Wyoming Valley Pro-Life Baby Shower, contributions to Angel Wreath Gifts, victims of disasters, and other parish service requests
Food Aid - Regular donations to Al Beech WS Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen, and Parish St. Vincent de Paul Fund
Flowers/Visit to Homebound & Care Facilities – distributed at Christmas, Easter, and in the fall.
Prayer Shawl Ministry and Baptismal Gifts – handmade items distributed at no charge to newly baptized children and individuals bereaved, homebound, homeless, ill or in need of support and comfort.
Sponsorships - Parish fundraisers/socials, First Communion Dinner, Graduation Brunch, Parish Youth Mission trips, etc.
Financial Bequests - in support of parish needs as funds permit - ex. snow plow, tables for Conlan Hall, etc.
Parish Office Staff Assistance - bulletin inserts and special mailings, etc.
Encourage women in the parish to donate their time and talents to serve in parish ministries
Promote intergenerational participation in all ministry activities as appropriate.
Host Parish Receptions/Parties for special occasions, provide staff thank you gifts as needed, and help support joint social activities with other parish ministries - ex. Christmas charity social, Ladies Night Out, show trips, sporting events, etc.
Host fundraising sales and socials to extend Christ’s hospitality to others and financially support the mission of Mary’s Ministry – ex. Autumn Fling Bingo, bake sales, bus trips, raffles, etc. and assist in conducting parish fundraisers as needed.